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Stakeholders Helping to Secure America's Communities

AD | 04.27.2007 | 14:48:038363 |

Delegates and Alternates representing the critical sectors of America's communities convene in Washington for the National Congress for Secure Communities.  Communities traditionally have looked to their own citizens and resources to prepare and respond to crisis, but during the past decades an expectation has developed that government should or can be the first response and recovery solution to every crisis.  Recent disasters has shown that communities can only survive if there is significant involvement and investment in preparedness by citizens and the private and community sectors.

There are a number of different objectives of the National Congress that require a broad base of participation and expertise.  To facilitate attendance by first responders, a number of grants have been established to help defray registration expense.  Additionally, continuing education credits will be offered Delegates who participate in specific portions of the Congress program.  An expo will be organized in order for private and community sector participants to highlight their capabilities, technologies and products that might help a community utilize their local resources in new and effective ways. 

Representatives from the academic, first responder, governmental, private, industry, trade and community sectors are encouraged to register and attend.  All Delegates or Alternates are invited to visit the National Blueprint for Secure Communities to contribute ideas and examples of their own best practices that might help create partnerships in other communities based on the experiences shared by others in the public, business and community organizations throughout the country.