Symposia Series and National Congress for Secure Communities

Stakeholders convene in Washington and regionally through the Symposia Series on community resiliency and help plan the National Congress for Secure Communities. Click Here for a sample past agenda. Sponsored by the Community Institute on Preparedness, Response & Recovery (CIPRR) and the Corporate Crisis Response Officers Association (CCROA) and other partners of the ReadyCommunities Partnership, the Symposia Series brings together federal, state and local officials, first responders, members of the media, business leaders, non-profit organizations, academic experts, and pilot community leaders as participants to develop recommendations for community, state and federal leadership. The participants also help develop the Partnership program, the agenda for the National Congress for Secure Communities, and outline simple but effective pilot demonstrations that leverage the assets of the private and community sectors to augment the local public sector preparedness and response plan during the first 72 hours of crisis.