- Town Hall Meeting Framework: creating a framework of simple questions for community preparedness |
- Neighborhood Presidents: A Charleston Best Practice |
- Community Shuttle Squad: A pre-trained volunteer vehicle 'pony express' to assist responders |
- NSCAN : National Stakeholder Community Alert Network database |
- ReadyCommunity Partnership: Implementing a 5-community public/private Blueprint pilot | ReadyCommunities Partnerships-0.doc
- Essential Public Network: Creating a federal-ready network of community/private sector stakeholders |
- Essential Public Network: Tying community wireless 2-way alert capability into the public sector network |
- Vulnerable/Special Needs Sector: Pairing those in need through a buddy network |
- Vulnerable/Special Needs Sector: Stored-Value Buddy Card |
- Surge Village: A dual purpose to train communities between crisis |
- Surge Village: Additional subscription capacity to augment local training and response |
- Crisis Response Officer: A new community and private sector point of contact for responders | crodescriptionwebpage.doc
- Crisis Decision System: Using GIS technology to overlay the Virtual Surge Depot |
- Crisis Decision System: Developing a standardized training program for local leaders |
- Virtual Surge Depot: Catalog of local community/private sector assets for first 72 hours |
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