Index-Public/Private Partnership
- DHS, Social Networks and Emergency Awareness
- Promoting Local Low Powered Community Radio
- Response to historic flooding in Australia
- Looking Back - Report: taking advantage of the private sector to safeguard the public
- In Memoriam: John Solomon 1963 - 2010
- See Something Say Something Campaign Launched
- Seattle Starts Food Security Program
- Emergency Response Outreach for non-English Speakers in the South
- New Standards Announced for Private Sector Preparedness
- The Gulf Oil Spill and the Chesapeake Bay
- International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Day
- Myspace and DHS announce hurricane awareness partnership
- As Gustav heads toward Gulf Coast, partnerships help to build information portals for community members and response organizations
- America's Emergency Network - public/private partnership to deliver nation-wide emergency network
- ReadyCommunities Partnership Buffalo Symposium and Planning Session
- ReadyCommunities Partners gather in Buffalo
- CARRI initiative works for federal-led resiliency
- House Homeland Security hearings on private sector partnership to promote resiliency
- Private boaters asked to help with homeland security measures
- US/Mexican border partnership for disaster preparedness training
- FEMA releases strategic plan for 2008 - 2013
- UNH partnership works to integrate technologies for interoperable communications
- LG partners with Harris to deliver digital spectrum solution for emergency response data transfer capability
- Partnership report focuses on water infrastructure security
- Auto safety kit company partners with new luxury car maker
- Hawaii hospitals participate in mock bioterror response drill
- Florida community employs local schools to help in emergency response exercise
- Duos Technologies builds surveillance system for hospitals in Florida and railroads in DC
- Cyber Storm II
- Chicago links responders and police to schools' surveillance systems
- Navy builds information exchange
- Coplink binds local law enforcement around the country
- New ceramic fuel cells also function as mini-power stations
- Milwaukee partners to install surveillance system
- L-3 partners with CDC for biotraining and response
- Wyoming builds statewide interops communications system
- Community-based flu wiki sites join to form family pandemic preparedness site
- InfraGard partners private sector with FBI for infrastructure protection
- Sacramento Metro Connect to begin construction on city-wide WiFi
- Chesapeake Innovation Center helps businesses develop effective HLS focus
- South Carolina program collaborates with health care professionals to provide disaster training
- Collaborative Fusion partners with San Francisco to develop and launch secure online stakeholder response tool
- Interfaith organization provides disaster relief, organization and partnership building in New York City
- Coalition Hope America helps disaster-stricken with financial services
- Kentucky officials partner with local retailers for preparedness literature distro
- Hexayurts provide quick portable shelter through Disastr.org partnership
- Companies working to help community resiliency
- New York City OEM establishes business listing resource for emergencies
- National Congress kicks-off in Washington D.C.
- Core Services Initiative announced to further interoperable communications, preparedness, response and recovery
- Massachusetts governor announces statewide interoperability plan
- Medical University of South Carolina helps to establish National Center for Disaster Mental Health Research
- Small Business Administration and Nationwide announce new disaster preparedness guides
- New FCC push to link rural hospitals to urban doctors
- Journal report finds disasters challenging government and community partnership
- Princeton researchers announce secure first responder computer architecture to help communications
- Ohio University to build virtual world for response training
- New Mexico responders to get wireless networks to help with response communications
- New preparedness guide in New York targeting kids' preparedness
- University of Pittsburgh HLS virtual program helps to pool resources and data for emergency response
- UN space-based disaster management program
- NC4 announces service to provide DHS with enhanced information sharing and collaboration capabilities
- Partnership in Oregon helps to create large mobile disaster response operations agreement
- New organization works to employ best practices to help protect against identity theft
- White House updates National Strategy for Homeland Security
- Satellite phone system to test emergency communications in rural Vermont
- Pennsylvania community distributes emergency preparedness information at local grocery stores
- Essential Public Network launches
- Financial institutions to run cyber pandemic preparedness drill
- Mass governor announces new HLS improvement plan for state
- Philadelphia university partners with federal government and other org's to address minority preparedness
- CCROA helps businesses leverage assets for disaster response
- San Jose police department partnering with online map mashup for community crime prevention
- Red Cross and business leaders in Long Beach promote earthquake preparedness
- Emergency preparedness fair in California community partners with Red Cross and local response organizations
- Local Michigan ham radio operators host emergency preparedness expo
- Illinois newspaper organization hosts emergency preparedness expo for community
- Tech companies partner with computer users to search for missing pilot
- Response exercise partners Wisconsin community with railroad
- Organization works to help field ID integration for local responders
- New York Health organizations work on best practices and lessons-learned
- Louisiana program protects animals during disasters
- Internet provider works with Red Cross and local government in Caymans during Hurricane Dean
- September marks 4th National Preparedness Month
- Financial consortium selects emergency notification system
- First responders get disaster training from chemical and rail industry
- Insurance company protects client homes from fires in West
- Architecture group working in New Orleans after Katrina turns to Peru
- Healthcare orgs form disaster response cooperative
- Hospital uses technology to help situational awareness during emergency drill
- New York colleges partner to offer response education
- Corporate disaster group works to provide preparedness for business continuity and able emergency response
- U.S. Coast Guard partners with Norwegian Cruise Lines for emergency exercise in U.S.V.I
- National Night Out
- Santa Clara schools work to prepare students for emergencies
- Citizens using technology to help first responders in Minneapolis
- Texas business and local government partner for disaster preparedness and response
- Florida governor opens state response center with community preparedness day
- Kentucky hospital partners with tech company to create situational awareness software
- Sam's Club hosts emergency preparedness forum
- Partnership in U.K. coordinating academic and scientific communities for disaster response
- Infrastructure protection lacking according to new GAO report
- Vermont assisted-living group helps with emergency preparedness
- Joint academic cultural and environmental disaster preparation and management website
- Conference focuses on sustainable urban development and preparedness
- Georgia Minor League Baseball team partners with DHS and Scouts for preparedness night
- Deaf and blind emergency response outreach in Louisiana
- World Conference on Disaster Preparedness brings public and private sector together
- Small business emergency preparedness seminar in El Paso
- Orlando bus drivers to receive anti-terror training
- Texas hurricane evacuation plans call for partnership with oil companies
- Indianapolis suburb installing city-wide WiFi network for responders and community
- Hearing impaired emergency call technology partnership announced
- Hawaii university to unveil online health preparedness suite
- Telecom company partners with national group for increased 911 awareness
- National Service to increase disaster response and preparedness programs
- Summit brings private and public sector partnerships together for health and pandemic preparedness
- IBM releases pandemic prediction software
- Boeing to staff analysts at FBI fusion center
- New NY alert messaging system leverages public and private assets
- California power company partnering with immigrant community for energy conservation and first response
- Looking at nuclear attack impact on major city
- LA poll finds almost half unwilling to obey mandatory evacuation orders during terrorist attack
- DHS information-sharing network development slow according to officials
- Philadelphia to test city-wide WiFi
- Dartmouth releases new CBRNE virtual training tool
- ConEd and DHS partner for NYC grid continuity
- CERT helping Florida responders prepare
- Michigan State and Ford partner for preparedness and response
- Mayors hold climate response summit
- New poll shows lack of preparedness in U.S. among communities
- Online mapping updated for disasters
- South Carolina partnering with company for telemedicine technology upgrades in hospitals
- Indiana community partners with state to film pandemic preparedness video
- FDNY tests wireless technology
- Geospatial technology helping federal agencies map critical infrastructure
- Alert system installed for KY residents under dam
- Short earthquake warning proposed in California
- Alabama farm team and Boy Scouts partner with DHS for emergency preparedness
- Open frequencies to be auctioned for broadband use
- San Francisco Mayor announces public/private partnership for emergency preparedness
- New elementary school preparedness program
- Severe weather conference in Baltimore to highlight hurricane preparedness
- Local PA nurse working with state officials for pandemic preparedness
- Mass university practices emergency response drills
- Communications company working with Richmond response services to create seamless communications network
- New fire evacuation guide developed for disabled
- Special needs group working to help prepare for emergencies and disasters in Maryland
- PA community-based preparedness program lauded for best public engagement
- Emergency Alert System needs organizational oversight to help with effectiveness through public/private partnership report finds
- Delaware health information network to go online
- Researchers building cybergrid to test spread of pandemic
- Colorado using new visual mapping technology to boost response management capabilities
- CDC and OnStar partner for auto disaster response
- Johns Hopkins University releases new medical disaster response software
- FEMA to fund hurricane hazard plan for New Orleans
- National volunteer response exercise to be held in Michigan
- Texas town and IBM to employ new wireless communication technology for city agencies
- PA governor announces state-wide emergency preparedness week
- Arizona votes to create citizen responder corps
- Montana tribes training for hazmat response
- California university creates new disaster communication system for students, faculty and staff
- Florida community organizes for CERT program under direction of former nurse
- American Legion members work for disaster preparedness in California
- Michigan teens get SERT training
- Washington State community implements plan to prepare households for disaster
- Maryland students get CERT training
- Episcopal Church releases flu pandemic response and preparedness plan
- Florida healthcare coalition works to share information, resources and training for disasters
- Government cybersecurity operation planned for 2008
- Nevadan 4-H program helps youths with emergency preparedness
- New Internet resource on homeland security and emergency preparedness for schools
- Local high school ham operator hobbyists help first responders in Dallas
- Earthquake preparedness urged in Midwest states
- California university runs emergency drill
- Louisiana medical research organization studies hurricane response
- South Dakota responders learn from terrorism response exercise
- Indiana community working for self-reliance during disasters
- Alabama counties partner with local organizations for disaster preparedness
- Vermont universities working with law enforcement to boost cyber crime detection
- Local New York Community holds emergency preparedness response classes
- CDC issues new research grants for healthcare information-sharing
- Town Hall meeting in LA works to unite businesses and community under preparedness
- D.C. Hospitals works to integrate information-sharing networks for robust disaster response
- Wireless technology partnerships helps to create communications in mines
- TSA sponsoring development of broadband wireless networks for airports
- Easy to use communications technology helps National Capital Region respond
- Wal-Mart looking to solar for retail stores
- DHS and universities work to promote research, development and education
- FCC planning national interoperable wireless network
- Universities working to develop opensource software with IBM
- DHS-led exercise combines critical cybersecurity practices
- Internet phone company works with FCC to introduce 911 emergency services
- Oklahoma announces PSA campaign with local athletes
- Collaborative federal grant program aims to enhace pipeline security
- Biometric information sharing conference highlights public/private partnerships
- PA program working to prepare against ID theft
- National Blueprint Summit in Charleston focuses on community involvement
- Mobile laptop data backup for Charleston City: A public/private best practice by the College of Charleston
- COBRA binds smaller communities together
- CDC and local health orgs working with religious organizations for emergency preparedness
- Business building emergency plan in Austin
- Dallas approves interoperable network
- Academic institutions offering homeland security courses
- ReadyAmerica Initiative kicks off in DC
- Dogs help first responders in Tenn
- Wireless and mobile technology allow for moveable WiFi network
- National Intelligence Directorate working with schools
- New climate report urges preparedness
- Mental health of first responders
- Miami and area developing hurricane evacuation and response plan
- The finance world fights terrorism
- Tennessee moves to upgrade 911 system into digital network
- Communities working to raise awareness and preparedness
- New technology links hospitals with specialists to treat patients
- NCORP and Manchester College help focus emergency preparedness and response
- University of Tennessee starts agricultural preparedness program
- Sport stadium security risk and disaster management and response
- Pandemic plan using quarantine and control measures
- Private Sector heads to work with state and local governments for disaster response
- Cities work to cooperate during emergency
- States hosting cooperative emergency exercise and preparedness programs
- Wall Street West project looks to keep economy continuity during disaster
- Fire departments receive federal money to help reduce and respond to blazes
- New York campaign to get citizens prepared
- Texas university to work on terrorism information and law program
- Emergency preparedness training for school officials
- New port detection technology
- First interoperable network
- New report focuses on health information sharing
- Emergency healthcare and medical response
- DHS works to prepare elderly and disabled
- DHS announces National Preparedness Month
- Robotic first responders
- Coordination among relief agencies
- Private sector and government cooperative tests first responder cybertechnology capabilities
- Researchers develop cheap radiation and nuke detection device
- New medical technology speeds field triage and information sharing
- New local guide to help with disabled emergency planning
- Collaborative effort in Louisiana works to repair medical response
- Business real-time awareness during a disaster
- New terrorist information fusion center in Los Angeles
- The stadium as an emergency shelter
- Ohio announces the first statewide information and data exchange system for first responders in US
- Communications infrastructure coordination by the federal government
- Public/Private cooperation best for medical response to pandemic
- New chip technology increases information security and exchange
- Baltimore-area campaign to boost community preparedness
- Public-Private information-sharing program in Maryland
- Maryland school begins homeland security magnet program
- New web technology tool to help coordinate medical information during a disaster
- Private sector organizations using RFID to help with efficiency and tracking in cooperative efforts with government
- Blue Cascades III complete
- Penn State counterterrorism center to hold terror psychology conference
- Port security report focuses on ecnomic recovery
- Standard communication protocol developed for first responders
- NCORP press briefing at the National Press Club
- New York State begins all-access radio network
- Tractor trailer security and highway transport
- Ham radio operators participate in emergency exercises
- State CIOs say interoperability needs improvement
- DHS guidelines would allow employers to register workers electronically
- LA emergency preparedness plans
- Student Emergency Response Teams
- Miami-Dade homeland security officials ask for resident participation
- Decontamination facility for children
- Agroterror defense and coordination
- DHS launches Ready Business Mentoring Initiative
- RFID technology at the border
- Family preparedness in New Orleans
- The move to IPv6
- Radios for Red Cross
- Maryland schools hold emergency preparedness programs
- Businesses and government emergency preparedness
- NCORP Chairman Gilmore: community preparedness essential
- New satellite technology to help with severe weather emergencies
- Chemical plant security in Houston
- Real-time information sharing for airports
- Technology is changing infrastructure
- Schools focus on security programs and counterterrorism discussions
- Red Cross to revamp before 2006 hurricane season
- Ready America preparedness and response
- NCORP and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government
- Programs to promote earthquake awareness and response
- Chemical plant security focus from DHS
- Volunteerism in New Orleans
- Businesses and bird flu
- WiFi network emergence and security
- Health officials preparing American poultry for flu virus
- MIT students to investigate chemical makeup of IED
- Community-based flu website tries to prepare communities
- Muslim Congress in Southern California created to address terror prevention in communities
- Tenn gets phone alert system
- NIH grant gives BU Level 4 lab in South End
- DHS launches Ready Kids
- Moves to incorporate RFID into licenses raises security concerns
- Manufacturers get boost in security projects
- Homeland Security training center
- Agreement at Indiana schools will help manage information in the feild
- Educational grants from DHS
- NYC hospitals get radiation detection
- Dairy Farmers of America implement biosecurity program
- Chesapeake group works to help foster public/private homeland security technology development
- South Carolina works to coordinate elderly evaucations
- Nuclear industry asks for increased reactor security construction
- Broadband and digital use create more room on airwaves
- Consumer Reports release personal preparedness info
- Utah pandemic preparedness
- Missouri schools partner with first responders and local officials in consortium
- California group looks to organize response to disasters and earthquakes
- States and Canadian provinces coordinate Great Lakes project
- Integrating college and city disaster planning: A Charleston public/private partnership best practice
- Citizens help national preparedness
- Two communities develop and train on tracking systems
- Oregon community manages first responder network
- Research and Development convention in Boston address Homeland Security
- Veterinarians help in the war on terror
- Truckers to Help in War on Terror
- Private Sector Companies Adapt to a Post-9/11 World
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